Moto 0.20.0 Beta 1
David Hakim
2003-05-29 02:21:13 UTC
Sorry for the delay! Stefano finished all the coding for this beta over
a week ago and I've just been too backed up on my lousy contract to put
the build together :) It may be downloaded today from
http://projectmoto.org/moto_0_20_0_eng_a.tar.gz ! For those that
haven't been playing around on the moto_opo branch (now merged back
into the main trunk) this release adds Operator Overloading for
extension authors to moto ! And it provides a slew of new overloaded
operations to the utility classes you can try out!

So instead of this:

Object o = stab.get("foo")

you can say this:

Object o = stab["foo"]

and instead of this:


you can say this:

vector[27] = "foo";

Everybody be sure to thank Stefano for all his hard work bringing this
killer new feature to moto!

There are a few changes that are not backwards compatible to previous
releases. Specifically Intset and Stringset have been renamed IntSet
and StringSet respectively. I figure its best to do this sort of
housekeeping now ... sorry if I broke anybody's code :) Shay, I
remember you had some method names you wanted to change for consistency
as well, let me know what those are and I'll try and get tose changes

Anyway, here is the full list of changes included in this beta!


New Features (Stefano!)
- Added support for extension authors to overload operators in moto
- Added set operation functions (and operators) to StringSet and IntSet
- Added overloaded operators (+ += ++ - -= -- eq ne lt lte gt gte [])
- Added [] and + operators for class String (in place for code in
- Added [] operator for class Vector
- Added [] operator for class SymbolTable
- Added ++ operator for class Enumeration
- NEWS and ChangeLog file updated

Bugs Fixed
- Fixed a bug that would cause a parse error when someone tried to
instantiate an empty array in-line
- Improved performance of interpreter with new version of
Cory Wright
2003-05-30 12:45:13 UTC
Post by David Hakim
Everybody be sure to thank Stefano for all his hard work bringing this
killer new feature to moto!
Thanks Stefano! Nice work, I can't wait to try them out.


Cory Wright
Stand Blue Technology
Stefano Corsi
2003-05-30 22:24:06 UTC
Post by Cory Wright
Post by David Hakim
Everybody be sure to thank Stefano for all his hard work bringing this
killer new feature to moto!
Thanks Stefano! Nice work, I can't wait to try them out.
Please, let me know your feedback! And let me know if you find out some
pgsql/mysql useful operator...

