David Hakim
2003-07-17 21:08:44 UTC
I don't believe there are comparisons (apart from equality /
inequality) for sets defined in the STL. I should probably check on
this ... I took the set comparisons out of the iset interface and test
cases for this release though ... It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to
have an intermediate release following this one that adds more
overloaded ops to the utility classes
iset_comp2 (defined in mx/codex/util/intset_op.c) to see which IntSet
contains more ints... ehm... Are there comparison operator for IntSets
STL? What do they do, in case?
inequality) for sets defined in the STL. I should probably check on
this ... I took the set comparisons out of the iset interface and test
cases for this release though ... It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to
have an intermediate release following this one that adds more
overloaded ops to the utility classes
What do the overloaded comparison operators (apart from eq and ne)
mean for Intset ? Were they just for testing ?
Yeah, I had not, how to say, a scientific approach to them... they usemean for Intset ? Were they just for testing ?
iset_comp2 (defined in mx/codex/util/intset_op.c) to see which IntSet
contains more ints... ehm... Are there comparison operator for IntSets
STL? What do they do, in case?