David Hakim
2003-08-04 16:41:46 UTC
Looks like mysql had a hiccup on webcodex yesterday causing a number of
If you agree, I would branch on a memfix_0_20_1 or something like
that, to
make these corrections...
I think the main branch is fine for now ... plus I already committed
them there :)
Could you commit that on the main branch
Ok, I just applied, tested, and committed (on the main branch) the fix
for the constructor leak. I wouldn't exactly call this (or the strdup
issue) leaks because the memory did get cleaned up 'eventually' :) but
letting it hang around until the end of page execution was definitely
sub-optimal. Maybe we should call these 'deferred memory collection'
bugs :)
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
- if(mfn->fptr != NULL)
+ if(mfn->fptr != NULL)
r = motoi_callEDF(r,args,mfn);
- motoi_callMDF(r,args,mfn);
+ moto_freeVal(env, motoi_callMDF(r,args,mfn));
I've already committed fixes for
1) The motoi_assign issue - The fix I committed was basically the same
fix as yours
2) The moto_strdup for variable names issue - The fix I committed was a
different fix than your fix ... I didn't create a varnames table in env
... I just removed the moto_strdup :)
Did I miss any other fixes in your patch ?
If you agree, I would branch on a memfix_0_20_1 or something like
that, to
make these corrections...
I think the main branch is fine for now ... plus I already committed
them there :)
Could you commit that on the main branch
/* Get the name of the member variable to dereference to from operand
1 */
varn = uc_str(p, 1);
By making these changes I think we avoid the varnames hashtable and
associated functions you propose in your patch. Is that right ?
If it works it's much, much better!1 */
varn = uc_str(p, 1);
By making these changes I think we avoid the varnames hashtable and
associated functions you propose in your patch. Is that right ?
If you agree, I would branch on a memfix_0_20_1 or something like
that, to
make these corrections...
them there :)
There are more in the last patch I sent you. The
one regarding motoi_new is also important because waste memory in loops
containing many "new" external and internal objects.
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
if(mfn->fptr != NULL)
r = motoi_callEDF(r,args,mfn);
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
if(mfn->fptr != NULL) {
moto_freeVal(env, r);
Ooo ... I didn't see the 'moto_freeVal(env, r);' line ... good catch!one regarding motoi_new is also important because waste memory in loops
containing many "new" external and internal objects.
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
if(mfn->fptr != NULL)
r = motoi_callEDF(r,args,mfn);
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
if(mfn->fptr != NULL) {
moto_freeVal(env, r);
Could you commit that on the main branch
r = motoi_callEDF(r,args,mfn);
} else {
moto_freeVal(env, motoi_callMDF(r,args,mfn));
-Dave} else {
moto_freeVal(env, motoi_callMDF(r,args,mfn));
Ok, I just applied, tested, and committed (on the main branch) the fix
for the constructor leak. I wouldn't exactly call this (or the strdup
issue) leaks because the memory did get cleaned up 'eventually' :) but
letting it hang around until the end of page execution was definitely
sub-optimal. Maybe we should call these 'deferred memory collection'
bugs :)
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
- if(mfn->fptr != NULL)
+ if(mfn->fptr != NULL)
r = motoi_callEDF(r,args,mfn);
- motoi_callMDF(r,args,mfn);
+ moto_freeVal(env, motoi_callMDF(r,args,mfn));
I've already committed fixes for
1) The motoi_assign issue - The fix I committed was basically the same
fix as yours
2) The moto_strdup for variable names issue - The fix I committed was a
different fix than your fix ... I didn't create a varnames table in env
... I just removed the moto_strdup :)
Did I miss any other fixes in your patch ?
/* Get the name of the member variable to dereference to from operand
1 */
varn = uc_str(p, 1);
By making these changes I think we avoid the varnames hashtable and
associated functions you propose in your patch. Is that right ?
If it works it's much, much better!1 */
varn = uc_str(p, 1);
By making these changes I think we avoid the varnames hashtable and
associated functions you propose in your patch. Is that right ?
If you agree, I would branch on a memfix_0_20_1 or something like
that, to
make these corrections...
them there :)
There are more in the last patch I sent you. The
one regarding motoi_new is also important because waste memory in loops
containing many "new" external and internal objects.
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
if(mfn->fptr != NULL)
r = motoi_callEDF(r,args,mfn);
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
if(mfn->fptr != NULL) {
moto_freeVal(env, r);
Ooo ... I didn't see the 'moto_freeVal(env, r);' line ... good catch!one regarding motoi_new is also important because waste memory in loops
containing many "new" external and internal objects.
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
if(mfn->fptr != NULL)
r = motoi_callEDF(r,args,mfn);
if(mfn != NULL) {
/* Call the constructor */
if(mfn->fptr != NULL) {
moto_freeVal(env, r);
Could you commit that on the main branch
r = motoi_callEDF(r,args,mfn);
} else {
moto_freeVal(env, motoi_callMDF(r,args,mfn));
-Dave} else {
moto_freeVal(env, motoi_callMDF(r,args,mfn));